Monday, 21 September 2015

Day 3 - Athletic Performance Assessment & Relief

It's Monday, so had to get up early for today's workout.  I say workout, but it was just another fit test, but it burnt a few calories.

Today was the Athletic Performance Assessment - The fit test from Asylum Volume 1.  There are nine exercises to do, rather than Insanity Fit Test's 8, and they're all a bit tougher.

I started off pretty well, beating my previous best scores (which I set back in July) on the first two exercises.  After that, I struggled to match any of my previous scores.  That just means there's room for improvement, but according to the schedule, I won't be doing this fit test again until day 80!  I think I might have to squeeze an extra one in around day 40 so I can see how I'm progressing.

After the fit test was another round of relief.  I know I need to prepare my body for what's to come, but the real workouts don't start until day 6.  That's a dramatic difference in pace to the Insanity or Asylum workouts, where they try to destroy you on the first couple of days.

It's Max Recovery tomorrow.  Although that's an Insanity Month 2 workout, it's very slow paced.  Still, there will be some planking, and that's going to help me on my quest.
I need to do something about the lighting for my timelapse videos.  I've just transferred the first three days worth of pictures from the GoPro, and they're all way to dark.  I can adjust the brightness in bulk in Paintshop, but the 18000 pictures I've taken so far are taking a while to get through.........

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