Tuesday 12 January 2016

Taking a little break............

Well this year didn't start as planned.  It has been almost a week since my last workout, and I seem to have lost my momentum.  Coming back to work after a lovely Christmas break with my family was tough.  Combine that with decreasing temperatures, and those early mornings just felt terrible.

I've decided to take the rest of this week off from the workouts.  I'm going to finish the book I've started, then try to get back into naturally waking up early.  Over Christmas I had far too many late nights, and I know that hasn't helped with how I'm feeling now that I have to get up in the mornings.

I'll restart the new hybrid next week, and this time I'm going to see it through!  I have to, as my weight is starting to creep up........

Thursday 7 January 2016

Day 4 - Max Interval Circuit

Have skipped today's workout. Ran out of time this morning, and wasn't feeling it this evening.
So instead I'm sat watching awesome fit people on youtube, whilst attempting to avoid a fridge full of Christmas chocolate.............

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Day 3 - Off Day Stretch

That felt good!  I know it's a bit early in the workout to be having a stretch day, but I needed that!

Doing the Asylum 2 stretch was a nice change from Relief.  I might swap some of my future stretches to this one, just to mix things up.

Before this morning's stretch I did today's UK Insanity plank challenge.  Today is day 6, so I should have improved by 50 seconds by now;

I'm pretty chuffed with a 79 second improvement :)

It's back to Insanity for a round of Max Interval Circuit tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to it!

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Day 2 - Max Cardio Conditioning

I really didn't want to get out of bed this morning.  It was cold, and I felt that I needed a few more hours under the duvet.

But as I'm taking my girls to see The Force Awakens tonight, I knew there wouldn't be time to complete today's workout after work, so up I got.

Today was Max Cardio Conditioning, and I did really badly.

I think my form was ok, but I had no energy.  Hopefully that will start to improve soon.

I've given myself a bit of a break tomorrow with Asylum 2's Off Day Stretch.  But before that I need to complete today's plank challenge - 3:44 to beat.

Monday 4 January 2016

Day 1 - Max Interval Plyo

I'm back!  And by that I mean I got up far too early this morning to start a new workout.

As I mentioned on Saturday, this time I'm not doing the official 84 day hybrid, but have instead started designing my own.  This week will mostly feature Insanity workouts as I want to start burning off all that Christmas food.

Speaking of Christmas food, I'll be back to doing my weekly weigh-in on Saturdays, and have done a full set of measurements before I started.  However, you'll have to wait till this weekend to see how much I let myself go over Christmas.

For now, I just want to concentrate on today's workout, and it was a workout!

I've been doing the odd bit of exercise over the past few weeks, but I really felt it this morning.  It wasn't helped by the 3 1/2 minute plank I did right before the workout (I'm doing a Facebook plank challenge this month) which really brought the burn to my core.  I was quite knackered by the end of it.

I was also quite happy.  I've missed the exercise, and am looking forward to a more relaxed programme compared to last year's hybrid.  I don't have any worries about making it through, and will tweak it if I feel it's not tough enough.

It's Max Cardio Conditioning tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to it!

Saturday 2 January 2016

Happy New Year!

It's 2016!  How did that happen?

I've enjoyed having a break over Christmas, but am ready to start the next chapter of my quest for abs.

I've done a little bit of exercise over the past few weeks, but need to wind things up a bit.  Not to the level of last year's hybrid, but somewhere between that and a normal round of Insanity.  I've used Insanity month 2 as a base, and have started to build my own hybrid;

It probably needs a bit more tweaking, but as I plan to start this on Monday, I'll tweak it as I go.  The aim is to do a more Insanity biased hybrid, so that I get the higher calorie burn per minute, whilst still doing some of Asylum's strength routines each week.  The amount of ab exercises also ramp up each week from 20 minutes per week at the beginning to 90 minutes towards the end.

As the main aim was to increase the intensity of the workout, I've tried to keep it short.  I've tried to keep each week below 6 hours, and have managed that for all but week 7.  I could cut out some of the stretching for that week, but I have a feeling I'll need it by then.

So that's the plan for the next 9 weeks.  I'll probably video the whole thing again, as that did help to motivate me.

I'm also going to do the Insanity UK plank challenge through January.  It's just a bit of fun, and something my whole family is doing.  If you're in the UK, are doing any of the Beachbody workouts, come join our Facebook group and join in.


I'm looking forward to another year of getting fitter.