Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Day 39 - Core Cardio and Balance

Day 39 took me back to Insanity's own recovery week, which is something I've not done in a very long time.  The last time I did Insanity, I skipped the recovery week entirely (that's not recommended btw - you need a break before month 2 of Insanity), so although this felt familiar, it also felt somehow alien compared to the other workouts in this Hybrid.

It is a strange beast.  Shaun T makes a point of telling you not to overdo the workout, which at this point is pretty hard.  Unlike the Insanity workout, where month 1 slowly builds before the recovery week, this Hybrid has been oddly paced.  All I wanted to do was hammer through this workout, but I knew that my body needs a bit of a break before things get mad again in a few days.  I slowed things down, kept the same pace as the guys on the DVD, and really took the time to enjoy the workout.  It was still a workout, I still got soaked, and it was still a challenge, but after 40 minutes it was over, and I was happy with my effort and that because of the sorter run time, I had time to sit down and have breakfast before heading into work.

It's Max Recovery tomorrow, followed by two rest days.  I plan to do Relief on at least one of those days, as I feel the need to do some more stretching to prepare for week 7.

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